Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Good bye wonderful life!

Life. Is wonderful.. Have to admit I love my life even with the ups and downs :') I love how it goes around everyday even when Im home and my family started to do random stuff just to make me feel insecure. And these guys~ They made me go through it <3 They do understands me. And because I always get offended by my family.. I dont wanna feel the same way when Im with you guys. I just wanna feel worth it. Being appreciated. Cause I know I'll never get the chance to feel it with my family.. You guys are~ my family... The only reason I smile and laugh everyday and everytime and ever second. Is because of you guys. Cause I know if I cry, You guys will started to be sad and cry and stuff like that. I love you guys! And I dont wanna see you guys depressing due of useless me.... There's a lot of things I kept to myself~ I dont wanna share my heavy burden with you guys because you would never understand how it feels like to be me. How my day starts and ends with tears and broken hearted. How I used to get scolded or cursed by my mum and my boyfriend and etc.... How I used to pray in my every last sujud so that I will became mettled and stronger to live. Insha allah <3 Nay, I'd never complained Him for making my life complicated. Because deep in my heart I know, He loves me and they'll be a hidden rainbow behind my sorrow :')