Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Good bye wonderful life!

Life. Is wonderful.. Have to admit I love my life even with the ups and downs :') I love how it goes around everyday even when Im home and my family started to do random stuff just to make me feel insecure. And these guys~ They made me go through it <3 They do understands me. And because I always get offended by my family.. I dont wanna feel the same way when Im with you guys. I just wanna feel worth it. Being appreciated. Cause I know I'll never get the chance to feel it with my family.. You guys are~ my family... The only reason I smile and laugh everyday and everytime and ever second. Is because of you guys. Cause I know if I cry, You guys will started to be sad and cry and stuff like that. I love you guys! And I dont wanna see you guys depressing due of useless me.... There's a lot of things I kept to myself~ I dont wanna share my heavy burden with you guys because you would never understand how it feels like to be me. How my day starts and ends with tears and broken hearted. How I used to get scolded or cursed by my mum and my boyfriend and etc.... How I used to pray in my every last sujud so that I will became mettled and stronger to live. Insha allah <3 Nay, I'd never complained Him for making my life complicated. Because deep in my heart I know, He loves me and they'll be a hidden rainbow behind my sorrow :') 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Aloha :)

Oh hey there! Sooo yeah~ Let's just forget about love for a while  XD  Im seriously done with it. 6 months single and still counting  :3  You guys seriously think that all we need is a boy to be happy and complete, huh? Who says that we cant be happy with our own?  >:D  Well to me it's hurting.... Yeah~ Cause we thought they're gonna showered us with happiness and smiles and grins and whatever. But actually, All we need are friends  :)  The one that will never leave us and allllllways keep us company so that we never felt lonely~ I love you guys so much  :*  Who needs you when I have my awesome friends here?  <3

Saturday, September 22, 2012

I miss you. And its killing me~

I miss this little thing called "us"  :/  Hmph, How I wish we were talking right now. I MISS YOU. And I never really stop loving you~ All I did was stop showing it and start pretending as if I dont even give you a damn. Ever since we met, You showered me with happiness and laughter. And when you leave, I.. I dont know anymore. And these days, You keep tweeting about me again? I dont get it... What happened? To us?  ._.  But I really hope that we were meant for each other -Amiiiin  <3

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dream Of Mine :>

Cute isn't it? I mean like, It is A D O R E A B L E  <3  I love Piano. Like seriously, I play Piano when I was Six. Then I just get involved with sports and I had to move to KL so my mum decided to gave it to the neighbour  :(  And when I was eleven I play Guitar  XD  But I started to play again these days  :P  But suddenly, I just, Miss, Piano... Like, A lot?  :/  I used to dream of having a Mini Piano  :')  And I want to granted my wish. I dont know how. But I'll try  :D  

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A day to remember :')

Today was a blast! He was at the Koperasi and my friends started to push me next to him. And when he turned to me, He smiles and said  "Hi Diana"  So I laughed and replied without looking  XD  Kawan kawan kita orang dua dua nak kita orang berdiri rapat rapat so macam dorang suruh ketepi lah, tolak lah  :)  Dia beli air apa entah and cakap  "Aku nak baki aku balik!"  Hahahaha Tah pape gila. And kitaorang berdiri je kat situ macam 3 minutes lebih sikit kot. Without doing absolutely nothing  x)  Kalau nak cerita semua benda memang panjang sangat. Tapi dia sweet gilaaa  :'>  And I gave him this WristBand and dia kata dia Happy gila sampai rasa nak angkat je kita masa tu  :]  P.s. Dear Crush, I smile a lot these days, and everybody knows. Everybody knows it is because of you  <3

Friday, August 31, 2012

KL Festival City

First, Pergi Popular. Pastu Adz ambil buku Dora The Explorer XD Tajuk dia 'When I Grow Up'

Main main dekat Parkson XD Sambil tunggu Movie 'ParaNorman 3D'

Saya nak pose dekat kereta ni XD Pastu tiba tiba Adz datang sambil pakai topeng 

Sooo We decided untuk pakai jugak XD From the left -Me, Putri, Adila :)

It was great :'> Memang best gila. Pastu saya call crush XD AND DIA ANGKAT. Cair oh dengar suara dia :')) Cerita ParaNorman memang Scary okay :P Btw, Happy Independence Day, Malaysia <3 MALAYSIA BOLEH!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thanks for the smiles :')

Sooo~ I came early today. And he was at the canteen with his friends.. I was there too~ Playing games  :$  SKIP SKIP SKIP ! I was going down the stairs. In the mean time, He was climbing up the stairs. And suddenly I saw him standing in front of me. He blocked my way. Smiles and said Hi  :')  So I was like,  ' :)))))) Hi~ '  SO I RAN DOWN THE STAIRS AS FAST AS HELL. AND SHOUT. AND LAUGH. AND GRINNING. AND SMILING. Okay, I admit I was kinda over reacting but I can't help myself  XD  Im just damn happy and excited.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Today  :)  My friends helped me to stop being shy in front of him  XD  Soo This is me, Passing by the stairs. And he was on the opposite side. He was walking towards the stairs. Soo~ Nak tak nak kena tembung jugak  :)  He smiles at me and looked away~ Only Allah knows how melt I am to see him smiling at me with that kind of flirty face  <3  And yeah, He promised to greet me at school tomorrow  XD  But in one condition, Well, He wants me to reply  :>  I just cant wait for tomorrow  :')  And thanks a lot to my F R I E N D S for everything~ Love you  :*

Monday, August 27, 2012

Things had been changing lately :/

I love playing guitar. And when I does, I sing according to the song. But now, I can't sing anymore longer~ And thats really hurts  </3  Cause I like singing. I mean like, I LOVE SINGING. I sing all the time. Plus, I was a good singer back then. No offense  :P  No No, I mean, I was much much better than now lah. How I wish I would be able to sing again. I was wishing to make a cover with my friends. And now, I just dont know anymore  :(

Ulala ;)

Hello  :)  Soo Today was kinda awesome  XD  During recess, He was eating burger while sitting on a bench which is like, in a very straight line to me. It was a clear view as nobody is blocking. Haha. I am queueing for burger  XD  Soo He was eating while staring at me. And yeah, I was alone in the row. Without my friends~ I was totally embarrass. ARGH!! But I finally get the chance to meet him. After one week of holiday  :'>

Sunday, August 26, 2012


This is us  :)  I have to admit that they're the best. We stick around as we were twins. And what makes them special is that, They're not afraid to look stupid in public. They did silly and random stuff just to make me smile  :>  I pray for this Friendship remain forever <3

Something to share :)

Soooo You're asking me, how's life?  :')  Like seriously. You're asking me, about my life? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Okay  :P  Life is going good  :)  Nice and smooth. MY CRUSH HAD A CRUSH ON ME  <3  And yeah, That explains everything  XD  That's the one and only reason I love my life right now.! Hell yeah, Is there anything better than being loved by the one you love? :*