Saturday, September 22, 2012

I miss you. And its killing me~

I miss this little thing called "us"  :/  Hmph, How I wish we were talking right now. I MISS YOU. And I never really stop loving you~ All I did was stop showing it and start pretending as if I dont even give you a damn. Ever since we met, You showered me with happiness and laughter. And when you leave, I.. I dont know anymore. And these days, You keep tweeting about me again? I dont get it... What happened? To us?  ._.  But I really hope that we were meant for each other -Amiiiin  <3

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dream Of Mine :>

Cute isn't it? I mean like, It is A D O R E A B L E  <3  I love Piano. Like seriously, I play Piano when I was Six. Then I just get involved with sports and I had to move to KL so my mum decided to gave it to the neighbour  :(  And when I was eleven I play Guitar  XD  But I started to play again these days  :P  But suddenly, I just, Miss, Piano... Like, A lot?  :/  I used to dream of having a Mini Piano  :')  And I want to granted my wish. I dont know how. But I'll try  :D  

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A day to remember :')

Today was a blast! He was at the Koperasi and my friends started to push me next to him. And when he turned to me, He smiles and said  "Hi Diana"  So I laughed and replied without looking  XD  Kawan kawan kita orang dua dua nak kita orang berdiri rapat rapat so macam dorang suruh ketepi lah, tolak lah  :)  Dia beli air apa entah and cakap  "Aku nak baki aku balik!"  Hahahaha Tah pape gila. And kitaorang berdiri je kat situ macam 3 minutes lebih sikit kot. Without doing absolutely nothing  x)  Kalau nak cerita semua benda memang panjang sangat. Tapi dia sweet gilaaa  :'>  And I gave him this WristBand and dia kata dia Happy gila sampai rasa nak angkat je kita masa tu  :]  P.s. Dear Crush, I smile a lot these days, and everybody knows. Everybody knows it is because of you  <3